Become a Member
It’s free and you get instant benefits
Early, automatic delivery of all new records*
Records only cost $5
Discounted merch at One Week shows
Access to live videos during One Week session
*Don’t worry, you’ll be notified one week before you are charged for each release. You’re free to opt out of your membership any time.
How does it work?
Check the box to become a member at checkout and you immediately get a discount on the One Week Records you are buying today. When we release a new record you automatically get it (a week early). You only pay when we send the record and you pay the member price of $5. You’ll always have the chance to discontinue your membership before getting charged, but the records will be so good you won’t want to.
How often do I get a record?
My tour schedule isn’t entirely predictable. I’d rather make sure I come hang in your town than promise to put out a record every month. We also don’t want to give you shitty music. We put out record when we find someone you need to hear. We expect to release somewhere in the neighborhood of four records per year at this point.
Why should I do this?
Remember that friend you used to have who knew all the best new music to listen to you. The one who made you tapes, (or CDs or playlists, or… ) Well chances are that friend is now an asshole or dead or works some corporate job somewhere and doesn’t know shit about music. I’m that friend for you now, but I’m helping to make the music instead of just telling you what to listen to. I’m fortunate enough to play a lot of shows and to see some amazing artists that everyone needs to hear. For about twenty bucks or so each year, you’ve got better taste in music.