I met Joey 20 years ago, but he doesn’t remember. I was 17 and got a press pass to one of these festivals in Spain where Lagwagon were playing. Later that year I started my punk rock band GAS Drummers, and I’ve been on the road ever since. For the last 10 years I’ve been also playing solo shows and recording solo albums. About 3 years ago, I met Joey… Again.
After a couple tours together, he decided to put out my “Dead Labor” record and to fly me to California to do my own OWR. He picked up 10 out of hundreds of my songs and we faced an interesting duty: to do our very own version of them.
With The Caper as commander in chief, and teaming up with such talented musicians as Brian Wahlstrom on keys, Miranda Lee Richards on vocals, Asher Simon on drums, Neil Hennessy on percussion and Angus Cooke on cello, these songs of mine have made it to a higher level.
I devoted my life to music and the best things I got back from it are cooperation, friendship and learning. And that is what this record is all about.
I would do it again right now.
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*Don’t worry, you’ll be notified one week before you are charged for each release. You’re free to opt out of your membership any time. We anticipate releasing 4-5 record per year.