After discovering that I had any sort of an ability to play music, I gravitated toward heavy, fast, and loud. I grew up in western Pennsylvania, playing all three in an angry but eclectic music scene. Some of the music still holds up. Some of it is mortifying. Either way, it was the most fun I’ve ever had and I felt like I was a part of something special. It was all imperative.
Upon graduating the Beaver County punk scene, I moved to Pittsburgh and played in bands for over a decade until life led me to Colorado, where I no longer had people to play or write with. I had sold most of my gear to fund bad habits and the move to escape them. I am down to my guitars, a computer, and a Fender practice amp that I found outside of a dumpster.
Alone with bare-bones, I wrote outside of my comfort zone until I was comfortable. Riffs became songs and after Joey expressed an interest, the songs quickly became an album. Between Covid travel restrictions and becoming fans of the raw sound, we decided to release the songs as they were originally recorded in demo-form. This was a beautiful, educational experience and a labor of love…as most things are.
Take care of each other.
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Tour Dates
There are no upcoming tour dates at this time.
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*Don’t worry, you’ll be notified one week before you are charged for each release. You’re free to opt out of your membership any time. We anticipate releasing 4-5 record per year.